Friday, 6 December 2013

Panic Attacks and Anxiety

Hello my lovelies. Hope you are getting in the festive season, I know I am!

Before I begin this blog post, I'd like to tell you that this a very personal thing for me to write. If you are a panic attack sufferer and you are reading this then I hope I help you all, even if its just one person, it would make me happy that I've helped someone in some way. I hope I can help you get a better understand of it.

Anxiety is a horrible emotion to feel, it effects us in all the different ways possible. It's a feeling that almost feels like you can not control, and just creeps right up on you. Although I am a panic attack sufferer, I still had to research some things about anxiety, and fount out things I never even knew. Everyone in the world feels anxiety, it’s a normal emotional state, just some people have an abnormal amount of anxiety and feel anxious when there’s nothing to be anxious about.

I have suffered from panic attacks and anxiety for around 6 years now. So I really hope this blog post helps you who suffer from anxiety.

Anxiety affects about 1 in 20 adults in just Britain itself.

Whether you are aware of anxiety or not, it can still cause you to have an anxiety attack. You can be doing anything and it could be anytime of the day. They happen any time, which sadly you cannot do anything about- Example; You may be preparing yourself for a big exam or at a job interview. Either way- I do not wish these on anybody.

So what happens during a panic attack?

A panic attack is a sudden rush of adrenaline caused by an uncontrollable level of anxiety. When adrenalin floods your body, it can cause a number of different physical and emotional sensations that may affect you during a panic attack like-

Trembling, twitching, or shaking.
Feeling of fullness in the throat or chest.
Breathlessness or rapid heartbeat.
Lightheadedness or dizziness.
Sweating or cold, clammy hands.
Feeling jumpy.
Muscle tension, aches, or soreness.
Extreme tiredness.
Sleep problems, such as the inability to fall asleep or stay asleep, early waking, or restlessness (not feeling rested when you wake up).

Chills or hot flashes. 

Panic attacks can come on very quickly, most last up to 5 to 20 minutes. Some people have even said they've had an anxiety attack that has lasted up to at least an hour- which is just mind blowing. 5 minutes is enough. Still to this day people don't realise how bad anxiety attacks are and how it effects your self esteem. When you have so many anxiety attacks, you start to feel almost like a nuisance towards people. I always used to turn things down because I was worried about the slightest thing, now I am starting to say yes to a lot more things. Saying YES to something can open up a new door in one of your life's- just remember that!

What helps me?

When I am having a panic attack, I like to be left alone or walk outside and get some fresh air to calm down and do my breathing. As hard as it sounds you must stay calm when having a panic attack, slow down and do your breathing ( it is so important to do so ). If I am with someone, I ask them to stay quiet unless I ask them for something. When you are in a panic attack, the last thing you want is people asking if your ok or not- I know it's nice of them to say, but you have no energy to speak as the energy is doing what not all over your body.

What to do if someone has a panic attack around you.

Although it sucks having a panic attack, I can't imagine standing next to someone feeling helpless feels very nice either. So these are some steps that I think helps and I have done before.

1. Stay calm. There is nothing worse than someone having a panic attack and you flapping around.
2. Be patient and accept their time.
3. Find something positive to say in every experience.
4. When someone has a panic attack- DO SAY "Stay positive, I am proud of you, Breathe slowly, It's not dangerous, Remember this is going to last very long"
5. Let them know your there to help.
6. Be supportive & reassuring.

I really hope I managed to cover everything and helped at least 1 person, if not everyone of you.


You are not alone,everything will be OK. Panic attacks are so very common, very terrifying, but can NEVER kill you. Don't let Anxiety push your self esteem and confidence out the way- if so try and push the anxiety away. You can do it, you can do ANYTHING. Do not force yourself to go somewhere that makes you feel uncomfortable. If someone wants you to go somewhere and you don't want too, then DONT. You and your health is more important than making someone happy.

That's all from me guys, hope I helped in some way. Just remember you can do anything if you want too.

                                                             Take care all!