Hey guys, Hope your all well. I would just like to say I'm super sorry that I haven't been writing any posts. I have been busy with my exams and finally finished my first year of sixth form! I have a lot more time on my hands to write some posts now (squeeeeeeeeeee)
Ok, so I already had a YouTube channel with my friend but I have decided to make a new channel, you will be expecting to see all things Beauty & Lifestyle on there. I will be uploading every Wednesday. I just want to tell you that I'm not so strong at editing videos, I will be trying my very best at doing it though!
If you could subscribe to my channel that would mean the absolute world to me, I am super excited to start this new hobby and see where it takes me. So, here it is! Please check it out :)
I'm working on some fun exciting blog posts so keep your eyes open for them, Hope you all have a lovely day wherever you are!
Take care