Thursday 1 August 2013

Just A Quick Ramble

Hello lovelies! 

Just an apology for me not been writing and posts for a while!! Been extra busy and so much stuff I've been doing!
As its the 1st August today- I will be doing a blog post every other day so keep an eye out for more posts! There will be a couple of random posts like in the garden and things like that! We've been having some ups and downs with the weather, but today will be a good first day of August- hitting up to 31 degrees, yippee.

I'll be doing a couple of reviews, empties and what nots! 
The pool is calling me and it wants to be put up and for me to chill out in the lovely sunshine and make the most of it, hopefully a new post will be up either tonight or tomorrow so keep watch!

Alrighty guys, just a short an sweet ramble from me! 
Have a lovely day whatever the weather :)
